Rehab Reviews

Aetna Rehab and Compulsive Gambling Treatment

Aetna Rehab and Compulsive Gambling Treatment

I’m insured through Aetna. Do they offer compulsive gambling treatment?

Aetna Compulsive Gambling Treatment is covered under the addiction treatment portion of their mental health coverage. Since Aetna offers a number of different insurance policies throughout the country, you will have to check your coverage to see what sorts of treatment are available.

What types to treatment are covered?

Depending on the insurance coverage you have and your specific situation, different types of treatment may be covered and available to you. Aetna uses a clinically-based scoring system known as the Aetna Level of Care Assessment Tool (also known as LOCAT). The tool provides guidelines to determine:

Aetna compulsive gambling treatment may be offered on an outpatient basis. This allows the individual who is being treated to continue living at home, going to work, tending to family and maintaining other daily activities. Depending on an individual’s assessment, inpatient (aka residential) treatment may be offered instead. Inpatient treatment can be a good option for someone who needs intensive counseling or who needs to be out of a triggering environment while beginning their treatment for compulsive gambling.

What Portion of Gambling Addiction Treatment Is Covered by Aetna?

What portion of coverage will be provided in Aetna Compulsive Gambling Treatment coverage will depend on your specific policy. Under the requirements of the Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA), mental health services are considered essential health services and should be available with almost all plans. Your level of coverage and the intensity of treatment needed will determine how much will be paid for by your insurance plan and how much you’ll need to pay out of pocket.

Can I compensate for uncovered treatment by paying out of pocket?

When you seek care using Aetna Compulsive Gambling Treatment coverage or most other insurance, you should have the option to pay out of pocket for additional care that is not covered by your insurer. Often, the amount of coverage available will be expressed as a percentage of the total cost. So, if you have a policy that will cover 75% of a bill and the total comes to $500, your insurance will pay for $350 and you will cover the remaining $150.

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