Rehab Reviews

Addiction Recovery Resources

Addiction Recovery Resources Review

Addiction Recovery Resources in Metairie, Louisiana, is a 12-step based treatment facility that offers everything from detox to residential to outpatient treatment. With more than 100 years of shared experience, the highly skilled staff is able to help clients recover from addiction without a hefty price tag. By creating a safe and structured environment, clients are given the chance to both learn and apply new skill sets as they move toward a life of sobriety.

Accommodations and Food

In order to provide a setting that still feels like real life, residents are housed in individual townhouses, each of which is shared by four people and features two bedrooms, a fully stocked kitchen, a living room, laundry and a bathroom. The rest of the grounds are set up like a college campus, with the therapy and group rooms just a short walk away. A quaint courtyard beside the townhouses is great for outdoor relaxation during free time.

All meals and chores are the client’s responsibility. Unlike other treatment centers that feature catered menus and executive chefs, Addiction Recovery Resources aims to keep clients as connected to their real world responsibilities as possible. As a result, residents don’t go into shock once they leave treatment. A weekly allowance is given to residents to spend during supervised trips to the grocery store. The amount of the allowance is at the discretion of the client and is considered an additional cost.

Treatment and Staff

The staff at Addiction Recovery Resources runs deep with several MDs, a resident psychiatrist, nurses and a team of clinical therapists who specialize in addiction and mental health issues. The client-to-staff ratio is seven-to-one.

The residential program is typically between 45 and 90 days, although 90 days is preferred. Treatment is split into two parts: education and application. During the education phase, a client undergoes an intensive process of addiction education, group therapy, daily 12-step meetings and learning new life skills. Group topics include relapse prevention, career development, life skills, emotional processing, meditation and CBT.

Once a client has gained insight into the disease of addiction through the educational immersion process, the application phase of treatment begins. During this time, residents meet with individual counselors for in-depth work on issues such as trauma, mental health, sexual abuse and divorce. By properly treating these issues for several hours per week, a client’s chances of maintaining long-term sobriety increase greatly. The client is also required to get a job, attend school or participate in a volunteer program during the application phase, providing opportunities to practice real-world living under the supervised care of the center. Interaction with the real world also allows triggers to arise and be properly dealt with in a safe, contained setting.

Addiction Recovery Resources offers an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and continuing care. Outpatient treatment is held for 12 hours per week over the course of eight weeks while continuing care is a weekly commitment of one hour. Both of these programs follow a similar structure to the residential program in terms of group and individual counseling.

As far as rules, a television can be found in each of the townhouses and is available for watching only during free time. Private laptops are not allowed, but two house computers can be used during specified hours. Cell phones can be brought in at the time of admission to be used during a designated time slot under the supervision of a therapist. A land line can also be used to make calls to friends and family.


While the facility does not offer a fancy gym or clear blue swimming pool, clients are able to get in physical exercise during recreation hour. A variety of physical activities are led by a certified fitness instructor three times a week to get the endorphins flowing and blood pumping. Clients also get a chance to get off campus for some fun at weekends. Outings include the movies, bowling and hiking, with all costs being included.

The family program is another important component of treatment. Family therapy is held once a week on Saturdays. Families are invited in to receive education lectures on addiction in addition to participating in group therapy. By reworking family dynamics and ways of communicating, clients and their families are able to have positive interactions. Family members who take part in the weekend groups are also allowed visitation privileges during the week. After the first two weeks of treatment, clients with good behavior can be granted off-site passes.

In Summary

While the program at Addiction Recovery Resources keeps clients in touch with the world and gives them a great introduction to the 12 steps. This could be a good choice for those who want to be submerged in AA while having the chance to work and function in the community.

Addiction Recovery Resources Location

4933 Wabash St
Metairie, LA 70001

Addiction Recovery Resources Cost

$16,500 (30 days). Reach Addiction Recovery Resources by phone at (866) 399-4673 or by email at Find Addiction Recovery Resources on Facebook

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Photo courtesy of Arthur Belala, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (resized and cropped)

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