Nebraska Treatment Programs
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Nebraska Treatment Programs

Have you been on the fence about getting treatment from one of the Nebraska rehabs near you? Are you worried about the challenges of overcoming substance abuse and have concerns about going into one of the treatment programs in Nebraska? RehabReviews is glad to be here as a trusted source for information on substance abuse treatment and recovery. Read on to find out more about Nebraska alcohol rehab and Nebraska drug rehab programs and how they can better your life.

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Nebraska Rehabs: Statistics

With an estimated population in 2014 of over 1.8 million residents, Nebraska isn’t among the most populous of the United States. Still, residents here are battling with addiction just like the rest of the country.

The state ranked below the national average on the percentage of residents who reported illicit drug use in the last month and in the number of drug-induced deaths, according to the Nebraska Drug Control Update. Nevertheless, substance abuse is a growing problem for Nebraskans.

Common Drugs Treated in Nebraska Drug Rehab

Methamphetamine and other stimulants are among the highest cited from patients entering Nebraska drug rehab programs. In 2010, nearly 800 addicts entered treatment and listed stimulants as their primary problem. Marijuana is close behind with nearly 700 admissions into inpatient treatment centers. Cocaine and other opiates are also frequently seen in treatment programs in Nebraska. While it is now a recognized public health concern around the United States, Nebraskans come in third for the lowest rate of deaths related to prescription drug abuse.

Getting Treatment for Addiction

While substance abuse counselors and medical providers are doing the best they can to offer quality treatment in either outpatient rehab or inpatient rehab programs, there are still many people who never get the treatment they so badly need. If you are concerned about your drug problem or that of a friend, you should see a trained professional for addiction treatment as soon as possible.

Signs of Addiction

Not sure if you have a drug problem? Here are some signs based on data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, that you may have an addiction:

  • You find yourself constantly thinking about drugs, oftentimes, to the extent that you can’t be productive in life.
  • You may behave differently and interact differently with family and friends due to your drug use; perhaps, you avoid them, hide your habit, or lie to them about where you have been and what you have been doing.
  • You have tried several times to quit on your own with little or no success.
  • You experience intense withdrawal effects if you go off the drug for a length of time.
  • You will go to almost any lengths to obtain and use the drug even at the cost of your health, relationships, career, and financial well-being.

If you have noticed these signs in yourself or a loved one, there is no better time like the present to go and get the help you need from one of our recommended Nebraska rehabs.

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Source: State Profile: Nebraska,,